Information for Singers

The Mad River Chorale is a community chorus, drawing members from all over Central Vermont. Singers of all ages are welcome, whether new to choral singing, experienced, or returning to singing after an absence.

We do not have auditions, though our conductor may check your range, tone, and music skills to know you better. We ask that you be able to match pitch, hold your part, and be willing to spend some time outside rehearsal learning your music.

The ability to sight-read is not required, but it will be important (and fun) to learn the rudiments of reading music along with us. We rehearse Mondays 7 to 9 pm in the Chorus Room at Harwood Union High School, Route 100 in Duxbury.

We are more than half way through our rehearsals for the Spring 2025 term so it is too late to join this semester. However, if you are interested, please send a message to us using the Contact Us page and we will put you on the email list for notices about our Fall semester. 

Mad River Chorale dues are $75 per concert semester. Dues help us to defray a portion of the costs related to our professional conductor and professional accompanist. Other expenses are covered by ticket sales and fund-raising.

If dues are a strain on your budget, please be aware that we have never turned away someone who wants to sing with us. We welcome those who have concerns to contact any board member so that an accommodation can be arranged.

You can pay for your dues and music with a check made out to “Mad River Chorale” given to those greeting and processing singers at rehearsal. You can also pay your dues and for the music you need on the MRC Square Site. Just click or touch the button “Dues Payment” and then (if needed) the “Music Payment” button where you can select which pieces you need to buy.

For more information call our section leaders

Sopr Melissa Volansky  802 371-8184
Alto Barbara Barra  908 313-7774
Bass  Roger Porter  802 496-4505
Tenor Ted Marcy 802 578 3797

MRC Board of Directors

Tony Egan, President

Candace Porter, Vice President

Barbara Barra, Treasurer

Melissa Volansky, Secretary

Betsy Ainsworth

Jane Hobart

Susan Hoyt

Ted Marcy